With programs designed for women, men and teens, Mind Body Bike is a transformative initiative dedicated to fostering physical and mental well-being.

Founded in response to the sudden passing of a beloved family member, MBB is on a mission to promote the importance of being both physically fit and mentally strong. The programs, led by industry professionals and youth advocates, aim to keep bodies and minds active, emphasizing the rejuvenating power of nature. What began as an annual women's mountain biking weekend has evolved into a multifaceted platform offering creative workshops, cooking classes, and fitness activities.

Mind Body Bike's commitment to providing a space for individuals to escape, recharge, and connect has led to the expansion of their offerings to include a youth program, with plans for future growth.

Through shared experiences and supportive environments, Mind Body Bike is making a profound impact on the lives of its participants, creating a community centered on self-care, empowerment, and resilience.

Mountain bike camps

Spend the weekend in the mountains!

Mountain bike camps offer an exhilarating opportunity to enhance your riding skills while enjoying the beauty of the mountains. These camps bring together like-minded individuals for a weekend of fun and adventure, with events such as Summer Gravity Camps and Gravity GROM Day Camps.

Experienced coaches provide expert instruction to help you become a smoother, smarter, and faster rider, offering tips and techniques to improve your performance on any trail. With a focus on creating flow and building confidence, these camps cover essential skills such as cornering, pumping, pedalling, drops, jumps, and navigating race lines.

Additionally, participants learn about strength and conditioning for racing, race psychology, and how to stay safe while having fun on the bike.